Osteopathic Recognition
Our Residency Program was formerly accredited by both the ACGME and the AOA. When the ACGME assumed oversight of both Allopathic and Osteopathic credentialing we applied and became the first program in the region to receive single accreditation by the ACGME.
Osteopathic Balance
We have sought to hire additional DO faculty and have a balanced ratio of both MD/DO faculty in Yakima and in the Ellensburg Rural Track programs. Our MD colleagues, both faculty and residents, have learned and continue to learn in a longitudinal, intentional fashion, about Osteopathic Principles and Practices, including OMT.
Osteopathic Curriculum
Osteopathic medicine is so much more than just OMT, it’s really the tenets of which Osteopathy was built upon and we strive to incorporate those tenets into patient care at Central WA Family Medicine. Our OMT curriculum includes eight 90-minute hands on workshops lead by DO faculty, including guest faculty from Pacific Northwest University. Senior DO residents also participate in leading sessions. We have recently recruited a Neuromuscular Medicine trained faculty member to improve OMT practices in our clinic. Each resident sees OMT patients in their individual clinics (1 per half day for R1; 2 per half day for R2; 3 per half day for R3) as well as dedicated OMT clinics (about 1-2 times/month) precepted by DO FM or NMM faculty.

Our Osteopathic Principles
Osteopathic Principles are frequently discussed in the clinic and hospital setting. We employ a reminder in the FM clinic to alert residents and faculty to Osteopathic Principles and utilize an Osteopathic Conversation Starter.
Osteopathic Leadership
We have a robust cohort of Osteopathic residents and provide the opportunity for Allopathic residents to train in both disciplines.