Graduations and Events

CWFMR graduates are currently providing excellent medical care to thousands of patients! The majority of our graduates each year elect to practice medicine in the Pacific Northwest and we are very pleased with this outcome. Several graduates each year elect to enter Fellowship Programs and this year was no exception, with two of our own beginning fellowships in Obstetrics and Palliative Care. We take pride in celebrating these achievements as well as enjoying the company of each other.

Spending Time Together

Like many residencies our residents have dedicated time to socialize and get to know each other. Because our location provides easy access to snow covered mountains and skiing, residents have a snow day retreat each winter, and typically our incoming class floats the Yakima river during Orientation. Hiking is also frequent and a regular resident small group activity. Our Graduation Celebration is always a community celebration that includes residents, families, organization staff, leadership, and our community supporters and volunteers.

Our Events

Here are some pictures from events we put on throughout the year! To learn more about our events, and to view more pictures, keep scrolling!

2024 Faculty Retreat

Our recent faculty retreat was a dynamic event where our dedicated doctors came together to discuss various topics, to connect and to learn more from one another. We reviewed our successes and developed innovative plans for the future. Looking ahead, we’re excited about opportunities for growth and improvement.

AAFP National Conference

We were pleased to have the opportunity to send our Program Manager, along with several faculty members and residents, to the 2024 AAFP National Conference in Kansas City. This event allowed us to effectively present and highlight the unique features and benefits of our program.

2024 CWFMR Graduation

There’s a profound story to tell about our Class of 2024 residents. Their resilience, determination, compassion, and their relentless pursuit to leave a lasting impression in everything they do are qualities that have deeply touched us here at CWFMR. As they move forward, embarking on new journeys, they take with them our sincerest wishes for success and fulfillment. They leave behind a void that will be keenly felt by our faculty, clinic staff, administration, and the entire Central Washington community. Thank you, Class of 2024, for the indelible mark you’ve left on our hearts.

2024 CWFMR Talking Stick

The CHCW Talking Stick tradition was started years ago as a way to celebrate our graduating residents while also welcoming our incoming residents. The CWFM talking stick is a simple wooden fetoscope; lovely and traditional, it represents our care of families and of each other. Graduates share their wisdom and interns share their hopes, without interruption or dialogue.

Laceration Repair Workshop

Participation in regular training and workshops are crucial to building proficiency in the skills needed to practice full scope family medicine. Here are some photos of our residents during their most recent laceration repair workshop!

CWFMR Resident & PCBH Intern Roster Academic year 2023 to 2024


 2023 Match Day – Class of 2026

We are happy to announce our new class of 2026 arriving this June. Click on the link below for the class list.

Faculty & Resident Snow Day Retreat 2023

Each year in late winter the faculty and residents take a day to retreat up to the snowy mountains of White Pass. This retreat day is a valuable bonding time for everyone. Several activities are enjoyed by all on this day such as skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, hiking, playing board games, or simply hanging out in the lodge and spending time together. 

2022 OSCE Physical Exams

Our residents recently participated in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)  The OSCE helps assess communication skills, physical examination techniques, professionalism, and abilities for effectively interacting with patients and other healthcare workers.

2022 Graduation Celebration

Congratulations to our Class of 2022 Residents! We had a great graduation ceremony at the beautiful Apple Tree Golf Course in Yakima.

Talking Stick Ceremony 2022

The talking stick is used in many parts of the world to foster equal and fair communication. In parts of Africa, and among native peoples of the Pacific Northwest, the stick is often carved and decorated beautifully. Only the person holding the stick is allowed to speak, others are silent, and it is passed around the circle until all are heard. In particularly contentious discussions the stick may be passed around the circle several times.

The CHCW Talking Stick tradition was started years ago as a way to celebrate our graduating residents while also welcoming our incoming residents. The CWFM talking stick is a simple wooden fetoscope; lovely and traditional, it represents our care of families and of each other. Graduates share their wisdom and interns share their hopes, without interruption or dialogue.

Annual Program Review 2022

Having a voice in residency programming is important and CWFMR is taking it seriously.

It was very beneficial to hear the perspectives of staff from scheduling and credentialing, as well as historical and current resident experiences represented. The information gathered will be used to enhance or adjust curriculum, be synthesized and included with other evaluative data for the Annual Program Evaluation Committee meeting, and be used by  our Program Director, in the annual ACGME letter.

CWFMR Annual Winter Retreat 2022

CWFMR held its annual Winter Retreat on February 28, 2022 at the beautiful Suncadia Resort in Cle Elum, WA.  The program relieved residents and faculty of service obligations in order to meet for some R&R and robust discussions. It is a time for residents and faculty to enjoy each other and reconnect outside the work environment.  It was a long needed bit of respite from the months of covid intensity and intensity of residency in general!

A special THANK YOU to those special faculty and residents who volunteered to cover services where needed 😊

A group of residents rented a cabin nearby in order to enjoy the winter snow.  Many residents and faculty trudged through snow and rain to participate in an Archery/Axe Throwing event, some played ping pong and we all ate well.  Faculty participated in a faculty development training while residents participated in a Fierce conversation with Julie Finley our Chief Experience Officer.

A good day was had by all 😊


Forest Hike with Residents 2020

February 25th is National Thank a Resident Day

We love our  Residents!

Forest Hike with Residents 2020

Holiday Art Class

Our Providers and Residents participated in a holiday painting class, painting an ornament on a tree!

Forest Hike with Residents 2020
Forest Hike with Residents 2020

Resident Hike 2021

Our incoming residents had an opportunity to see some of the wilderness outside of Ellensburg and participated in a group hike led by Brian, from the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

This 1.8 mile loop trail to Table Mountain in Kittitas County, is in an area that experienced a severe wildfire in 2012. The majority of its trees died in this fire; however, there are currently an abundance of lodgepole pine seedlings that have established and grown to 3-6 feet in height.

The area is important summer range for the Colockum elk herd and is also the headwaters of Wilson Creek. Wilson Creek flows into the Kittitas Valley and connects with the Yakima River between Ellensburg and Yakima.

In addition to a wonderful hike, residents learned about the importance of management in moving our local forests toward health and resiliency.

Residents also drove to Lion’s Rock, an exceptional vista at 6350 feet with amazing views of the Cascades and Stuart Mountain Ranges.

Forest Hike with Residents 2020

Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest

Our Ellensburg Clinic had an ugly Christmas Sweater Contest – here are staff, faculty, and residents flaunting their best sweaters! 

Faculty & Resident Snow Day Retreat 2020

Each year in late winter the faculty and residents take a day to retreat up to the snowy mountains of White Pass. This retreat day is a valuable bonding time for everyone. Several activities are enjoyed by all on this day such as skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, hiking, playing board games, or simply hanging out in the lodge and spending time together. The time is meant for each person to truly retreat and enjoy the day for themselves and with others, whatever that looks like, whether it’s taking a nap and taking it easy or taking part in all the activities offered.

Forest Hike with Residents 2020

Resident Hike 2020

Our incoming residents had an opportunity to see some of the wilderness outside of Ellensburg and participated in a group hike led by Brian, from the Department of Fish and Wildlife..

This 1.8 mile loop trail to Table Mountain in Kittitas County, is in an area that experienced a severe wildfire in 2012. The majority of its trees died in this fire; however, there are currently an abundance of lodgepole pine seedlings that have established and grown to 3-6 feet in height. 

The area is important summer range for the Colockum elk herd and is also the headwaters of Wilson Creek. Wilson Creek flows into the Kittitas Valley and connects with the Yakima River between Ellensburg and Yakima.

In addition to a wonderful hike, residents learned about the importance of management in moving our local forests toward health and resiliency.

Residents also drove to Lion’s Rock, an exceptional vista at 6350 feet with amazing views of the Cascades and Stuart Mountain Ranges.

Forest Hike with Residents 2020

2020 Graduation Celebration

Given the pandemic, this year’s graduation party was a little different. While social distancing, we were able to celebrate together to hear each other’s stories, and enjoy one last reunion before providing excellent medical care to thousands of patients!

2019 Graduation Celebration

Congratulations to our 2019 Graduates! 

2018 Graduation Celebration

Congratulations to our 2018 Graduates! 

2017 Graduation Celebration

Congratulations to our 2017 Graduates! 

2016 Graduation Celebration

Congratulations to our 2016 Graduates!

2015 Graduation Celebration

Congratulations to our 2015 Graduates! 

20th Reunion Gathering

We had a wonderful 20th Reunion Gathering