Student Rotations
Our Program provides a wide range of clinical and educational experiences that include; required family medicine clerkships for University of Washington and Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences third year medical students; fourth-year sub-internships.
Professional Learner Opportunities
Community Health of Central Washington provides students with many professional development opportunities, from pediatric dental residencies, physician assistant, advanced practical nurses, nurses and PharmD students along with medical assistant externships. The program also offers hands-on experience as well as job shadowing for high school and college students. Interested in learning more? Check out what we have to offer!
Third Year Clerkship
The Central Washington Family Medicine Residency Program is pleased to be an active partner with the University of Washington School of Medicine, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine, and Elson S Floyd College of Medicine/WSU in providing excellent medical education through required third year clerkships in family medicine. For detailed information, visit the respective institutional websites. The clerkship student experience combines 4 weeks of clinic, one week of inpatient medicine on the family medicine service with residents, attendings, and pharmacy, and one week of OB with the family medicine residents and attendings.

Students attend the residency’s weekly Wednesday afternoon didactic conferences which include hands on procedural workshops and lectures.
Fourth Year Sub-Internship
The sub-internship in Family Medicine is a four-week rotation for fourth-year students from U.S. LCME and AOA-accredited medical schools. The sub-internship provides learning opportunities in the clinic and local community hospital in both the inpatient adult medicine service and OB service.
The outpatient experience takes place in a robust Family Medicine clinic where our residents and faculty serve a diverse patient population, including neonates, antepartum and postpartum patients, toddlers, children, adolescents, adults and geriatric patients.
Our inpatient services include the Adult Medicine service (FM Service, or “FMS”) as well as the Labor & Delivery service (OB Service). During the sub-internship, students will have significant time on each service and are responsible for 1-3 patients at a time, depending on acuity and service volume. Students participate in morning sign-out, daily teaching rounds, and evening sign-out. In addition to working with the residents and faculty, you will also have the opportunity to work with pharmacy, nurses and specialist physicians.
The students will attend the residency’s didactic conference every Wednesday afternoon. These weekly sessions provide an interdisciplinary learning experience for students to engage in practical, hands-on experiences and in-depth lectures on various topics.