Meet Kristina Bowen, DO, MBA
Rural Residency Director
Kristina’s History

Medical School:
Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences
Philosophy of Care:
My philosophy of care is one of relationship. My goal is to come along side each person with the tools, faith, encouragement, and possibilities for patients to work together toward their best health.
Medical Interests:
Medicine is a fascinating and varied topic. My particular interests are manipulative therapy, full spectrum medicine, procedures, Public Health, Global Health, Infectious diseases, and Medical missions.
What drew you to CWFMR and Ellensburg:
CWFMR provides rural training opportunities not seen elsewhere with the added benefit of a unique and diverse population. 360 days of sunshine and a good family location make it even better!
I tend to have an eclectic taste in things I enjoy. I can happily spend lazy days reading, active days exploring/hiking, even attending a chaotic anime convention. I enjoy music, theater, food, and board games. I like to try and enjoy as much of life as I can. My ultimate favorite thing to do is help with my local church.