Primary Care Behavioral Health in Ellensburg
Central Washington Family Medicine has embraced the concept of PCBH in every aspect of training. CWFM takes great pride in being innovative in how to integrate behavioral health into the education and services offered.
Embracing Primary Care Behavioral Health
During the three years of residency, residents residents receive formal behavioral medicine experience, which includes shadowing of PCBH in their clinics, one-on-one coaching, gratitude and wellness activities, group role-plays, and much more. Informally, residents will work alongside multiple PCBH during their outpatient clinic experiences by completing co-visits, warm-handoffs, and sharing all aspects of patient care.
Hands on Experience
PCBH are also intimately involved in the evaluation process of residents by serving on the Educational Advancement Committee (EAC) committee, Clinical Competency Committee, QI/PIP oversight committees, etc. In a sense, PCBH is infused in every aspect of the residency program and CWFM takes great pride in being innovative in how to integrate PCBH into the education and services offered.